Thursday, May 20, 2010

Forgot some pics.

I just realized I forgot to post the pictures for my dad's (Steven Mark Vail) Vietnam scrapbook. I actually posted them on my Facebook account.  I'll post them here soon.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lemi William Vail's place of death found.

Thanks to I was able to find some more information about Lemi.  I already had his date of death as 17 July 1952 but now I know he died in Newport, Pend-Orielle, Washington. Perhaps not the most exciting news on the planet but this blog is for me to share news with you all.  So there.  You'v been newsed.

Steven Mark Vail and his graduating comrades.

I say 'comrades' but that seems Russian.  Steven is in the 3rd row from the top and forth in from the left.

Click on image to download larger image.

I'll post more pictures from Steven's Vietnam scrapbook as I scan images.